Friday, December 25, 2009

Its a world, Mad

These days I've been watching Mad Men. These were the guys who invented the Marlboro Man, the quintessential idea of a man. And his loyal horse and hat. These guys invented want. Its not entirely funny that the protagonist of the show, Don Draper is's most influential man of 2009.
So if you really think about this, designer clothes should stop mattering much. I don't think trying to look good counts as artificial but I bet there are so many other khuwa-e-shat that probably aren't innate. But with that kind of power, one can make anyone want anything. You can soften standards and erode rules given time. You can make traditions that last as well as be immensely profitable for decades. You can make society in your image, have them be loyal to a code invented by you. With subtle themes and scenes on TV, you can make people sympathize with a cause or fall in hate with it. A news article's enough to send a mob burning down town. The idea disturbs and intrigues me. And sounds all too familiar.
And nobody can tell Marlboro Man is limp in the nuts from all the smoking and riding.

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