Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"definitely something" in the time of cholera

Chapter 1.
I'm falling asleep and I can feel everything aroun
d me turning hazy. My bed starts to melt away and the colours of the walls are bleeding on to the floor and everything is merging into a ball of white space. And I'm nowhere. And it's perfect.

People don't normally remember this because by this time, they black out. I would have too, if it wasn't for the jedi mosquito trying to bombard an opening in the deathstar. The little fucker kept buzzing inside my ear until I started hearing machine gun fire invade my white sanctum. I snapped out (or in) and started slapping around wildly to get him to stop so I could return. But it looked like Luke Bloodsucker was on a mission and that mission had something to do with the inside of my ear. I did fall asleep eventually.


Chapter 2.
I'm walking with my old house behind me when this small car stops and I get in. There's Girl, a mother and a sister. And a driver too. Apparently they've come to drop some haleem off and I'm guiding them to my house which now is apparently not that near. I'm sitting between the mother and the girl in the back and after familiar pleasantries are exchanged between me and Girl, her mother's asking me where my house is. I don't remember the dialogue now, but I remember it moderate in tone. The lane to my house comes and I purposely have it avoided because I need more time with this Girl. And the scene changes.

It's morning by the way and I'm up early and I needed to write this before I forgot everything. The forgotten dialogue between me and the mother was articulate. She knew even if Girl didn't. Her emotions were controlled and she wasn't being harsh. She was stern though. She scared me but there was nothing not to like.

Chapter 3.

We're on Tariq Road when I see the broken windows, a few cars running scared, people breaking down and laughing. It's like hartaal in Wonderland. We pick up our speed and we're on Shahrah-e-Quaideen, going towards Faisal. It was weird because the people outside were happy. Like they were going to a picnic at breakneck speed. The car to our right had a girl sticking out and professing her love for ... diggi? Her windshield was broken, so either she was in shock or she was just reaching out at desperate times. We move further and I see Salman and "Usf" under the flyover, standing like they're at Liaquat's. Thank God there was no Liaquat or he would have insisted I pay him back an imaginary Rs. 350.

Chapter 4.
I'm swimming as a child in my Nana's house and it doesn't feel right. I remember feeling vulnerable, conscious of my surroundings and uncomfortable. Scene fades.

I need a smoke. I'm going to the roof.

Chapter 5.
The car is there again and Girl is at the back, as am I. Sister is nowhere and the mother is in the passenger seat. There's a primordial and emotional air and my hands are freezing and Girl takes them in hers. I feel warm inside.

Chapter 6.
We reach my house and the mother leaves her and the sister at my house. No haleem though, that seems to have vanished.

I take them inside to the safety of my house and we're climbing the stairs to the terrace. I believe it's my old house. I can hear my entire family there and the sister's talking to me about something I can't remember now. She was smiling and she walks over and sits with the khandaan, seemingly comfortable. But Girl stays with me. She walks in my old room and she's talking to me about everything but i can't hear a word. I'm just looking into her. Now I know why they call it dreamy.
The last thing she talks about is some football match between Arsenel and Astonvilla and I swear it couldn't get better than that.

I wake up with a
smile at 7:30. It's one of those dreams where you don't want to wake up from. You linger in bed, dazed and happy. You wish you could or would stop because it is, after all, just a dream.


I killed the annoying mosquito in the end.

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